High-frequency welding is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction and the exchange of electric charge in a conductor skin effect, eddy current heating effect and proximity effect, so that the weld edges of the steel locally heated to a molten state, the roller of the extrusion, the crystals butt welds achieved indirectly together, so as to achieve the purpose of the welding seam high frequency induction welding is a welding (or pressure contact welding), it does not need weld filler, no welding spatter, weld heat affected zone narrow, beautiful welding molding, welding good mechanical properties etc., so in the production of steel has been widely applied.
Is the use of high-frequency welding pipe alternating the skin effect and proximity effect, steel (steel) by roll forming, the formation of a circular cross-section tube disconnected, near the induction coil inside the tube near the center of rotation of a or a group of impedance device (magnet), the impedance tube opening is formed with an electromagnetic induction loops in the skin effect and proximity effect under the action of the opening edge of the tube produces a powerful and concentrated thermal effects, the weld edge rapidly heated to the desired temperature by the pressure roller welding extrusion, the molten metal to achieve indirect co-crystal after cooling to form a strong butt weld.
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