When the end of rolling mill, due to the large amount of rolling deformation and recrystallization rolling in, which makes the waste pipe after rolling fine grains can be obtained, if the time taken to rapid cooling measures to capillary rapidly cooled to less rI pill, you can prevent the austenite grain, fine grain size to maintain state for the creation of conditions for normalizing. For medium shortage tube wall thickness is rapid cooling after rolling is more important, the general cooling rate is often used to improve the air (mist cooling can also be considered).
Online normalization pipe cooling bed in the middle of the completion of certain small cooling after entering the reheating furnace heating continued. One thing to note, that we must control the waste pipe into the blast furnace temperature to avoid the phase transition is not yet complete in the previous furnace, or likely to cause the phenomenon of mixed crystals. After sizing or large cooling bed sheets after reduction obtained after cooling the final tissue, which is to get the final properties. Therefore, the large cooling bed gasification process cooling is online often a key step. Cooling temperature and the cooling rate is directly related to the final selection of the performance condition. It should be noted that, in the final cooling process cooling methods must be carefully chosen, if cooled properly, it may cause bends or pipe with a big difference on the performance of such phenomena.
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