Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Double-sided submerged arc automatic welding machine

Straight seam steel pipe double-sided submerged arc automatic welding machine can be divided into internal welding and outside welding of straight seam welded steel pipe

Straight seam steel pipe outside sided submerged arc welding machine, straight seam in the steel industry as "outside welding" outside, the so-called straight seam welded steel pipe refers to closely co-ordinated pre-process after welding, can be understood as follows: When the straight stitch After the pre-weld pipe from the welding process welding procedure is to be outside rather than inside the welding. The reason is: Whether straight seam welded steel pipe outside, or from physical deformation by heat pipe inside straight seam welded steel pipe will shadow, if the first outer seam welded straight seam steel pipe, the data can be the greatest degree of reduced physical deformation of straight pipe joints size. Straight pipe joints due to project needs, require a higher quality of welds, weld start working outside, you can ensure the greatest degree of straight seam welded steel pipe weld penetration resistance, straight seam steel pipe welds beautifully, and straight seam straightness of the linear weld pipe.

Straight seam steel-sided submerged arc welding inside, straight seam in the steel industry as "the weld." Straight seam steel tube welder, Lincoln uses the same equipment imported from Germany, and flux. Straight seam welded steel pipe is straight seam steel pipe welds in priority. The reason: it is not only difficult to weld, the weld requires the highest level of straight seam steel pipe weld inspection on this within the solder can be seen. Straight seam steel pipe welder at work within the current large degree of penetration depth, and less prone to the human eye. Seasoned team leader within the welder can be adjusted from a straight seam steel pipe weld television industry track, as well as outside the hot spot welds when welding from within, in order to make adjustments based on the size of the hot spot welding speeds. Steel-sided submerged arc welding using German into Lincoln automatic welding machine, straight seam welded steel pipe automatic welding flux using straight seam steel pipes imported from Germany, supporting internal and external welding flux, straight seam steel pipe welding equipment before working inside and outside of welding flux through the filter, the filter is too large particles, because when submerged arc flux, exceeding the size of the solder particles will affect straight seam steel pipe welds uniform cooling time, if not straight seam steel pipe welds standard time temperature range, the standard rate of cooling, are may affect the level of straight seam steel pipe welds NDT.

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